i have started this blog to just post any thing arbitrary.....


I have just started writing for my blog, so please bear with my fussy language and randomness of the talk!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

One of my friend was telling me at the mess table (where else!), 'bout this movie "Slumdog Millionaire". Thought i could share my review on my blog.

This movie slumdog millionaire is about a "slumdog" becoming a millionaire...
OK let me put it this way, an uneducated boy from the slums of mumbai winning 20 million rupees by playing the game - "who wants to be a millionaire?"
The movie has been directed in a very different way, a way one might not even expect on knowing its story. (stop reading this post if you have already seen it, and stop reading it if you dont wana see it). The movie starts with this guy in a police station! And he is one question away from winning that big fat prize money! So how does Danny Boyle (the director) expect us to know the entire movie huh? The story of the "slumdog" is shown slowly clip by clip rather than showing his entire story once and then the game. Movie has 3 parallel stories (4 if you are having popcorn!) - one is in the police station where he was being interrogated if he really knew the answers or he was cheating, second being the actual game - which was also being watched in the police station (recorded video of course - not live) and the last (if arent having popcorn) is his story and how he came to know the answers. It turns out that he wasnt cheating all the way in the game - every question in the game was related to a part of his life which gave him the answer.

Its funny the way his life has answers to every question that he was asked (except may be the naiton emblem one). Also it was touching - showing the indian masses the way eveyone would love to watch. This movie has been rated 8.7 in IMDB. (not a bad rating isnt it). Anyway i am not giving anymore details of the movie for the sake of people who havent watched it yet! (neither did i give that "slumdog's" name).

Thank me if you like it, and i prefer you not telling me if you dont!

Anyway, heres its trailer: